American Global Export Offers

The following services to our customers and distributers:

We handle the entire export lifecycle. We can start at any stage of your project, even the earliest one: registering new products in their foreign markets. We can then follow the entire life of your product, building your brands and supply chain through our ever growing network of established distributors.

Language Logistics

The biggest roadblock to global exporting is the language barrier. It's hard to communicate with business contacts in a foreign language. Distant time zone and differing cultural expectations can also create hurdles. This is where American Global Export can help. Our expert staff is multi-lingual with excellent verbal and written language skills to facilitate your sale with minimal friction.

Brand Management

We understand the importance of keep your branding consistent. Our marketing staff ensures that your brand vision is carried out to your specifications even as you expand into new markets. Our verification process makes sure new channels won't dilute or devalue your brand back home.

Market Integration

It can be hard to penetrate foreign markets due to a complicated local laws and tariffs. We're experts at handling all the hassle so your product can seamlessly integrate your product abroad. Our relationships with trusted buyers ensure that your product ends up in stores and not sitting in port for months.